Tuesday, April 05, 2005

How long?

I had a terribly strange conversation today. Never have wires been so crossed.

A friend of mine was talking about how hers was 9 inches long, and obviously I was intrigued for two reasons.

I just wondered how I had never noticed it before. And then she had seen mine. And I know a few friends have indeed seen mine but I couldn't remember her being one of them. I have become quite open to people seeing it over the years. Only if there is an interest from the othe rparty though. I wouldn't dream of just showing people. It has to be a mutually agreed on event... Anyway...

So there we were having this conversation for 10 minutes before she said she must tie her hair up. I wondered what that had to do with what we'd been talking about, until she said that was exactly what we had been talking about! And there was me thinking it was a COCK Convo!


Blogger Buntifer said...

with a girl... yeah

May 6, 2005 at 4:34 AM  

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