Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Perhaps that title should have been what I called this blog all those years ago when I set it up. I do have a strange compulsion to confess about my wanking antics. I obviously get a thrill recounting them because I'm reliving the experience as I write. But I also feel there is nothing odd about masturbation and indeed there isn't. Show me someone who says they have never touched themselves sexualy and I'll show you a fibber. I won't say liar, as they are probably just a bit too scared to outright say YES I WANK! I am sat here trying to think what to 'confess' first. I have written down a list of experiences and have been surprised by the amount. From having very evident hardons infront of people (in my pants of course) to sex and masturbation in public places. To setting up online accounts on porn sites so that I can get my hard cock out on webcam for strangers to getting it out on webcam for friends and acquaintances. I must admit even starting to write this down has given me a raging hardon which is, frankly, very distracting... Perhaps I should give links to some of the sites I had accounts such as ratemycock.com. I ended up closing that account but was surprised to find I still had my favourite photo of my cock off there on my hard drive. Am I allowed to post things like that on here? I have no idea, maybe I should do some research first! More soon!

Thursday, July 10, 2014


It has taken me ages to remember where my blog was and then to gain access to it again! But here I am back for more? We shall see. Can we expect lots of cock talk and masturbation stories? Oh yes!